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2024-03-21 09:45:07 +03:00
*** Micro-Cap ***
*** ***
*** ***
*** Transient Analysis of 15-shmidt-trigger ***
*** 14.03.2024 12:46:54 ***
Time Range 400m
Maximum Time Step 0
Number of Points 1000
Temperature Linear 27
Retrace Runs 1
Run Options Normal
State Variables Zero
Operating Point On
Operating Point Only Off
*** Temperature=27 ***
DC Operating Point Voltages
Node Voltage Node Voltage Node Voltage
UA 3.926 UIN 4.207 VE -15.000
UOUT -13.485 VC 15.000 6 4.100
Operating Point for Devices of Type Diode
Instance: X1.D5 X1.D3 X1.D4 X1.D1
Capacitance Terms:
CAP 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Current Terms:
ID -30.010p -26.395p 66.450u -20.251p
Resistance Terms:
REQ 1.000T 1.000T 389.230 1.000T
Voltage Terms:
VD -30.000 -26.385 584.974m -20.241
Power DC Terms:
PD 900.300p 696.431p 38.871u 409.883p
PS 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
DC Pin Currents:
Id -30.010p -26.395p 66.450u -20.251p
Device Variables:
area 1.000 1.000 1.000 1.000
ic 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Instance: X1.D2
Capacitance Terms:
CAP 0.000
Current Terms:
ID -19.769p
Resistance Terms:
REQ 1.000T
Voltage Terms:
VD -19.759
Power DC Terms:
PD 390.633p
PS 0.000
DC Pin Currents:
Id -19.769p
State HOT
Device Variables:
area 1.000
ic 0.000
Operating Point for Devices of Type Jfet PJF
Instance: X1.J1 X1.J2
Capacitance Terms:
CGS 0.000 0.000
CGD 0.000 0.000
Conductance Terms:
GM 173.364u 307.662u
GDS 0.000 0.000
Current Terms:
ID -30.928u -97.405u
Voltage Terms:
VGS 1.643 1.362
VDS -17.441 -17.177
VGD 19.084 18.538
Power DC Terms:
PD 539.420u 1.673m
PS 0.000 0.000
DC Pin Currents:
Ig 83.227p 57.400p
Id -30.928u -97.405u
Is 30.928u 97.405u
Device Variables:
area 1.000 1.000
vds 0.000 0.000
vgs 0.000 0.000
Operating Point for Devices of Type Resistor
Instance: X1.Rc1 X1.Rc2 X1.Re1 X1.Re2
V -123.059m -387.563m -30.928u -97.405u
Power DC Terms:
PD 3.806u 37.751u 956.543p 9.488n
DC Pin Currents:
Ir -30.928u -97.405u -30.928u -97.405u
Device Variables:
tc1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
tc2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Instance: X1.Re X1.Rp X1.R2 X1.Ro2
V 2.564 30.000 6.648 -13.497
Power DC Terms:
PD 4.274u 21.100m 442.007u 7.287
DC Pin Currents:
Ir 1.667u 703.333u 66.484u -539.880m
Device Variables:
tc1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
tc2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Instance: X1.ROUTAC R1 R2 V3.RS
V -12.028m 174.109m 17.411 -83.489f
Power DC Terms:
PD 2.893u 30.314u 3.031m 6.970E-024
DC Pin Currents:
Ir -240.558u 174.109u 174.109u -83.489p
Device Variables:
tc1 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
tc2 0.000 0.000 0.000 0.000
Operating Point for Devices of Type Capacitor
Instance: X1.C1 X1.Ce X1.C3
V 264.504m -2.564 -20.145
Power DC Terms:
PS 0.000 0.000 0.000
DC Pin Currents:
Ic 0.000 0.000 0.000
Device Variables:
ic 0.000 0.000 0.000
Operating Point for Devices of Type Opamp
Instance: X1
Using model: LF353
State SAT
Operating Point for Devices of Type Sine Source
Instance: V3
Using model: 1MHZ
V 4.207
Power DC Terms:
PG 352.044p
DC Pin Currents:
ISource -83.674p
Operating Point for Devices of Type SPICE Poly
Instance: X1.I3 X1.V2 X1.V1 X1.I1
V -13.497 0.000 -240.558m -6.648
Power DC Terms:
PG 7.290 0.000 115.737f 42.845n
DC Pin Currents:
ISource 540.121m 242.225u 481.117f 6.444n
Instance: X1.I2
V 6.648
Power DC Terms:
PG 441.964u
DC Pin Currents:
ISource -66.477u
Operating Point for Devices of Type SPICE Source
Instance: X1.IEE X1.VS1 X1.VC X1.VE
V -12.436 0.000 2.100 2.100
Power DC Terms:
PG -1.617m 0.000 -55.429p 139.544u
DC Pin Currents:
ISource -130.000u 66.484u 26.395p -66.450u
Instance: X1.VLP X1.VLN X1.VS2 V1
V 20.000 20.000 0.000 15.000
Power DC Terms:
PG 405.011p 395.389p 0.000 12.500m
DC Pin Currents:
ISource -20.251p -19.769p -240.558u -833.333u
Instance: V2 V4
V -15.000 4.100
Power DC Terms:
PG 11.478m 713.846u
DC Pin Currents:
ISource 765.217u -174.109u